About TMF / AMPD Expo


The Triad is home to a wealth of amazing musicians and songwriters and the music scene is growing faster than the industry can keep up. The Triad Music Festival selects from solo artists, duos, and full bands from all around the Triad and surrounding area. SoundLizzard Productions is committed to showcasing and celebrating local artists through the Triad Music Festival, a weekend celebration that was started in 2012. In 2018, the Triad Music Festival is segueing into the AMPD Expo to encompass more of the industry side of the music scene. Triad Music Festival was always about supporting the songwriters, technicians, manufacturers, and business professionals that keep the industry pulsing. The AMPD Expo will still feature performances by songwriters and musicians but will keep the focus on what is behind the scenes rather than trying to be a music performance for the public. View Schedule.

The AMPD Expo is designed to bring together individuals, companies, and organizations in the music and entertainment industries through workshops, training, panel discussions, exhibits and demo sessions, and other networking opportunities. Click here to find out more about this one-day event.

Featuring Performances From:

Please check back later for updates for September 1, 2018. 

This Year’s Festival Sponsored by:

Please check back later for updates for September 1, 2018. 

   Click here to ask about being a Sponsor!

View Photos of Past Triad Music Festivals


Join us as we celebrate our 7th year of music performances and industry networking! There are many ways to participate in this year’s expo as an attendee, exhibitor, or performer!

Purchase Tickets

Please continue to this site to find a complete listing of scheduled events (both free and ticketed).

Exhibitor, Demonstration, & Vendor Booths 

Exhibitors, Vendors, and individuals interested in the Gear Swap please review the Expo packet for complete list of schedule, fees, and guidelines. AMPD Expo 2018

Kick-Off Party Songwriter Stand-Off Sign-Up

Performing Songwriters interested in participating in the Songwriter Stand-Off please review the artist application. TMF – Songwriter Stand-Off Application

For more information, Email: info@soundlizzard.com